Why marketers use Facebook for online marketing? Many marketers would say to promote their brand, strengthen product’s popularity, to socialize with customers and so on. Apart from all this reasons one of the best reason for which marketers goes for Facebook marketing is to generate leads 
And the major advantage is marketers can actually succeed in generating effective leads and then target them to be loyal customers. Now, if you are in doubt whether you will able to generate or not from Facebook then make sure if you have chosen the right strategy. Because Facebook has more than 1.5 billion active users per month so, the targeting process becomes easier and effective for a marketer.
Even if marketers don’t have time to follow this idea and boost up a Facebook marketing strategy, they can automate their account with genuine Facebook marketing software. We would suggest the best Facebook marketing tool that is, Faceboardpro which can make your page engaging as well as help marketers to generate leads.


Marketers are advised to use a call to action button on their business Facebook page, in this way marketers can directly redirect the visitors to their official web page. Keep the call to action button on the top of your business page so that you can get a maximum number of clicks on it and this can improve the traffic for your main business website.
Call-to-action button
Facebook is already offering few pre-defined call to action like, sign up, book now, buys and so on. A marketer can even create their own call to action button


While marketing on Facebook, marketers should always ask their audiences to go for mobile signup process. The reason is whenever they click on any ads all the contact details of a customer will be captured by marketers and further they can use it to target them for own business.
Run lead ads for mobile signup process
So, as much as possible a marketer should try to ask audiences to use the mobile sign up for Facebook. Because with this marketer would be easily getting details of audiences and target them personally to make them their customers.


Run lead ads for mobile signup process

In any social media platform, visual marketing has more impact than any other type of marketing. Hence, in Facebook also videos works more than other activities, so marketers should try to promote their offers with Facebook videos. This will help marketers to generate leads for their business without putting much effort and wasting time on preparing a strategy.


As already told that, in Facebook visual marketing is more effective, so while uploading images in Facebook a marketer should optimize it. Like, while posting any images relevant to business product don’t post it simply, rather give a caption and add links to a landing page with it. This will drive more traffic as well as generate productive leads for business.


Use videos to promote offers

Since Facebook is a very versatile platform so a marketer can even promote their marketing blogs here. Hence, we can say Facebook can be used to promote content marketing and ultimately it will help to generate leads. With those leads, a marketer easily increases their profit level by targeting such huge audiences.


Applying all this top five Facebook post ideas marketers can easily generate leads for their business. Unless and until a marketer doesn’t have leads they can’t target audiences and gain profit. So, we tried to suggest in this blog few best tips to generate leads through Facebook marketing. To know such Facebook marketing tips keep following our blogs.